Whenever we analyze a capital project, we must consider unique factors. A discussion of all of these factors is beyond

scope of this course. However, three common factors to consider are:
- Compensating for different levels of risks between projects.
- Recognizing risks that are specific to foreign projects.
- Making adjustments to capital budgeting analysis by looking at
actual results.
Adjusting for Risk
We previously learned that we can manage uncertainty by initiating decision analysis and building options into our projects. We now want to turn our attention to managing risks. It is worth noting that uncertainty and risk are not

same thing. Uncertainty is where you have no basis for a decision. Risk is where you do have a basis for a decision, but you have
the possibility of several outcomes.

the variation of outcomes,

the risk.
In our previous example (Example 6), we used
the cost of capital for discounting cash flows. Our example involved

replacement of equipment and carried a low level of risk since
the expected outcome was reasonably certain. Suppose we have a project involving a new product line. Would we still use our
cost of capital to discount these cash flows?

answer is no since this project could have a much wider variation in outcomes. We can adjust for higher levels of risk by increasing

discount rate. A higher discount rate reflects a higher rate of return that we require whenever we have higher levels of risk.
Another way to adjust for risk is to understand

impact of risk on outcomes. Sensitivity Analysis and Simulation can be used to measure how changes to a project affect
the outcome. Sensitivity analysis is used to determine

change in Net Present Value given a change in a specific variable, such as estimated project revenues. Simulation allows us to simulate
the results of a project for a given distribution of variables. Both sensitivity analysis and simulation require a definition of all relevant variables associated with

project. It should be noted that sensitivity analysis is much easier to implement since sophisticated computer models are usually required for simulation.
International Projects
Capital investments in other countries can involve additional risks. Whenever we invest in a foreign project, we want to focus on

values that are added (or subtracted) to
the Parent Company. This makes us consider all relevant risks of

project, such as exchange rate risk, political risk, hyper-inflation, etc. For example,
the discounted cash flows of
the project are
the discounted cash flows of
the project to

foreign subsidiary converted to
the currency of
the home country of
the Parent Company at

current exchange rate. This forces us to take into account exchange rate risks and its impact to

Parent Company.
Post Analysis
One of

most important steps in capital budgeting analysis is to follow-up and compare your estimates to actual results. This post analysis or review can help identify bias and errors within

overall process. A formal tracking system of capital projects also keeps everyone honest. For example, if you were to announce to everyone that actual results will be tracked during

life of
the project, you may find that people who submit estimates will be more careful.

purpose of post analysis and tracking is to collect information that will lead to improvements within

capital budgeting process.
Course Summary

long-term investments we make today determines

value we will have tomorrow. Therefore, capital budgeting analysis is critical to creating value within financial management. And

only certainty within capital budgeting is uncertainty. Therefore, one of

biggest challenges in capital budgeting is to manage uncertainty. We deal with uncertainty through a three-stage process:
1. Build knowledge through decision analysis.
2. Recognize and encourage options within projects.
3. Invest based on economic criteria that have realistic economic assumptions.
Once we have completed

three-stage process (as outlined above), we evaluate capital projects using a mix of economic criteria that adheres to

principles of financial management. Three good economic criteria are Net Present Value, Modified Internal Rate of Return, and Discounted Payback.
Additionally, we need to manage project risk differently than we would manage uncertainty. We have several tools to help us manage risks, such as increasing

discount rate. Finally, we want to implement post analysis and tracking of projects after we have made

investment. This helps eliminate bias and errors in

capital budgeting process.
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